Team and Player Registration Information

Player Registration


One is registered with US Club Soccer when the following requirements are completed and current:

  • Registration/membership purchase for the current Governing Season. This is usually completed by the member org admin/registrar on behalf of the player being registered.
  • Proof of birth verification by US Club Soccer (once - for competitive players only). The following government-issued documents are accepted: birth certificate, passport, driver’s license, other document issued by the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security or U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, or other document as determined by US Club Soccer.
  • US Club Soccer Form R002 (Player Info, Medical Treatment Authorization, Liability Waiver/Release and Consent Form) completed and on file with the US Club Soccer member organization. The form and instructions are available here.
  • Once you have gathered all your completed documentation, please call for an appointment with the Club Registrar. She can be reached @